Organs – Leeds Cathedral

The Klais Organ

The original organ was manufactured by one of the most eminent English organ builders, Norman and Beard, and was built specifically for the Cathedral in 1904. Following a period of silence of around 30 years, Johannes Klais Orgelbau were chosen to reconstruct and enlarge the instrument to serve the requirements of the restored cathedral and new position of the choir.  The organ was built in the workshops of Klais in Bonn, and transported to the Cathedral in July 2009 to complete the work in situ over a six month period. The project was under the supervision of Benjamin Saunders and David Sanger.

The tonal style is English Edwardian, and so all the historic 1904 pipework has been carefully restored on its original chests, with new pipework matching the original materials and construction methods. The organ now has seven divisions, controlled from a four manual console with 78 stops, and features a unique new system of allocating manual departments to keyboards.The inaugural concert was given on 16th May 2010 at 3pm by Benjamin Saunders.

• The Klais website has an article on the Cathedral organ here.
• There is a colour magazine feature here .
(© 2010 Organists Review)
• A printable copy of the specification and description of the organs can be found here.
• Organ recitals in the Diocese can be found here.


7 Divisions, 55 Ranks    
Choral Pedal    
Sub Bass 16 2010
Choral Great    
Open Diapason 8 2010
Bourdon 8 2010
Dulciana 8 1904
Principal 4 2010
Flute 4 2010
Gemshorn 2 2010
Cornettino III 2010
Choral Swell    
Rohr Flote 8 1904
Salicional 8 1904
Vox Angelica 8 2010
Principal 4 2010
Flauto Traverso 4 1904
Mixture III 2010
Cornopean 8 2010
Oboe 8 2010
Nave Pedal    
Harmonic Bass 32 1904
Open Diapason 16 1904
Violone 16 1904
Bourdon 16 1904
Quint Bass 10 2/3 2010
Octave 8 1904
Bass Flute 8 1904
Trombone 16 1904
Nave Great    
Double Diapason 16 1904
Open Diapason I 8 1904
Open Diapason II 8 1904
Hohl Flute 8 1904
Principal 4 1904
Harmonic Flute 4 1904
Fifteenth 2 1904
Mixture III 1904
Trumpet 8 1904
Nave Swell    
Bourdon 16 1904
Geigen Principal 8 1904
Lieblich Gedeckt 8 1904
Echo Gamba 8 1904
Voix Celeste 8 1904
Gemshorn 4 1904
Lieblich Flote 4 1904
Mixture III 1904
Double Trumpet 16 1904
Horn 8 1904
Oboe 8 1904
Vox Humana 8 1904
Nave Solo    
Tuba 8 1963
Octave Tuba 4 1963
Solo Flute 8 2010
Clarinet 8 1904

The Collins Organ

This small box organ was manufactured by Peter Collins in 1992. It is a portable instrument and is usually located between the choir stalls in the Sanctuary. It is in daily use to accompany Gregorian chant.

Stopped Diapason 8
Flute 4
Fifteenth 2
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Our fantastic team of Gabrieli #roar singers! Representing Leeds Cathedral Choir, Bradford Catholic Youth Choir and Huddersfield Boys Choir and looking forward to a tremendous concert this evening. ... See MoreSee Less
Final rehearsal underway at Gabrieli ROAR in the amazing Ely Cathedral. The young singers - including 31 of our choir members - have worked so hard this week and the results are sounding incredible. ... See MoreSee Less
The Choirs of Leeds CathedralIt is our privilege to provide music at Leeds Cathedral, something we wish to share with as many local Catholic children as possible. We run 7 free choirs at the Cathedral, all singing regularly for Masses, Vespers or other Liturgies.Cathedral Children's Choir- our smallest singers aged 5-8 learn about music and faith in a fun and engaging way with regular opportunities to sing for Liturgy and be inspired by the older choristers.Cathedral Junior Boys and Junior Girls Choirs- children aged 7-11 can join our Junior choirs. Despite their young age they frequently take on responsibility for singing Mass as well as joining their older counterparts for joint events. (picture from their trip to Liverpool)Cathedral Senior Girls Choir- girls aged 10-18 sing with the Senior Girls Choir, singing multiple liturgies each week and taking a leading role in many concerts and broadcasts.Cathedral Senior Boys Choir- from age 8 until voice change boys sing treble with the Senior Boys Choir. We're particularly fortunate to have a thriving boys choir who sing several services a week and lead concerts and broadcasts alongside the Senior Girls.Schools Scholars- in contrast to many Cathedral choirs, our boys' choral journey doesn't end at voice change. All boys are encouraged to keep singing with the Schools Scholars, who provide the lower voices in our mixed choirs.Choral Scholars- a small core group of university aged singers who offer musical support to the choirs as well as getting opportunities to develop and singers and choral leaders themselves.If you would like more information on joining the choir please email: ... See MoreSee Less