Music for the New Missal

Singing the Missal Tones

Roman Missal: Order of Mass – A Guide for Composers

Accompanying the Missal Tones

  • This organ accompaniment is available free of charge to download from the Diocese of Leeds. The accompaniments to the missal tones are offered on the website for the help and support of musicians introducing the new chants. There are an increasing number of accompaniment versions available and this version is offered as a simple and modest contribution to that need. We would kindly ask that if you wish to make use of it you consider making a charitable donation by cheque payable to “Leeds Cathedral Choir School”. Donations should be sent to the Music Department, Leeds Cathedral, Great George Street, Leeds LS2 8BE. Further information about the choir school project is available here.

For more in depth information on the new translation, see

Advice and Materials 

The items under this menu seek to offer some guidance and free practical examples of liturgical music for parishes. The advice regarding the choice of repertoire is necessarily limited by the parameters of a website. The download area will be expanded over time as existing material is typeset. Much contemporary music is in full copyright and therefore must be purchased by parishes, and a licence obtained for the reproduction of the words and music on any service sheets. This includes most settings of the responsorial psalms, hymns and vernacular Masses.

A good resource for free choral music suitable for the Catholic liturgy appears in some useful amateur editions on the Wikipedia site, Choral Public Domain Library.

The Gregorian Missal contains a complete range of music in chant notation suitable for Sunday celebrations. A small selection of the simplest Mass settings has been reformatted to download.

Hymn books are a more problematic area. It is worth considering if the large investment in a new hymn book is the best investment for a parish or whether the purchase of a licence to reproduce the words on a missalette is better. This is especially relevant, given that congregational hymn singing is not given primacy in the relevant liturgical documents of the Catholic church. The priority for liturgical music is to sing the mass rather than sing at mass. Unfortunately, there is little consensus on the best current hymnbook, and several recent attempts have been disappointing in the accuracy of the typesetting of music and words, indexing and manageable volume size.

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7 days ago

Diocese of Leeds Music
The choristers are packing their bags and getting ready to don the famous ROAR t-shirts once more for Gabrieli ROAR 2024!We are within touching distance of our £3000 fundraising target, all of which helps us support young choristers who might not otherwise be able to access this world-class opportunity.If you'd like to be part of these talented youngsters' stories you can donate ... See MoreSee Less
Members of our Bradford and Huddersfield choirs have returned from a very busy weekend touring Norfolk. On Saturday, they sang for the Pilgrims' Mass at the Walsingham Shrine and on Sunday they joined with the choir of St John's Cathedral, Norwich, where they sang Mass for the 40th anniversary of Bishop Peter Collins' ordination. On the way to Norfolk they explored the treetops in Sherwood Forest, and then spent time together in the grounds of Langley School, our venue for the weekend. Both choirs have worked incredibly hard towards this tour, they sounded amazing, even when they sang Franck's Panis Angelicus for the owners of a fish and chip shop in Sheringham! ... See MoreSee Less
We can't wait for the absolute wall of sound our choristers and their peers will create singing Verdi's monumental Requiem in Ely Cathedral next week at the Gabrieli Roar concert! To keep this opportunity affordable to all we have subsidised our choristers' places on the course, please consider making a donation to help us support these talented young musicians.Donate ... See MoreSee Less