The Keyboard Studies Programme was founded in 2016, with David Pipe (previously Assistant Director of Music at York Minster) appointed as its first Director. The Programme was launched to provide high-quality organ and piano tuition across the Diocese to choristers, school pupils and adult learners. With a national decline in students learning the organ, the programme aims to reintroduce this instrument steeped in tradition to students of all backgrounds, teaching them valuable musical skills and opening doors to opportunities in further education, and skills in choral direction and accompaniment. There are currently five instrumental teachers in post, providing tuition in a family of related keyboard instruments (melodica, accordion, piano and organ).

It is our aspiration that the programme will support children from the UK to study at top international universities or conservatoires, furnishing them with the foundations to be skilful, multi-talented individuals within the music profession.

For more information on the Keyboard Studies Programme or to be added to the lessons waiting list, please contact

‘Taking part in the Keyboard Studies Programme has proven extremely valuable to my musical development. I was able to become an Organ Scholar at Bolton Abbey, where I learnt more about sacred music, and had the opportunity to develop my conducting and accompanying skills. These skills were honed further during my time at New College, Oxford, as I helped to run the College’s un-auditioned choir, The Holywell Singers. I have no doubt that the Programme helped my application to Oxford (such as by giving me experience in score-reading of multiple staves), and this has been the most influential period of my life so far. Hopefully the Programme can continue to offer such opportunities for other state-schoolers!’

Theo (New College, Oxford)

‘Being a part of the Diocese of Leeds Keyboard Studies Programme has been a really enjoyable and useful experience. It has transformed me as a player: my keyboard skills have come a long way since working with the Programme, whether that be figured bass or using the pedals. Being a part of the Programme has significantly developed my musicianship overall. I now have a far greater understanding of realising and working out harmonies, voicing and imitation, and of how music works in different genres and styles. The Programme has deepened my interest in choral and organ music, but crucially, my knowledge of how keyboard instruments work and how to use them in composing music has been augmented thanks to the teaching on the Diocese of Leeds Keyboard Studies Programme.’

Jago, 17 years old


‘Learning the organ is helping with my academic work as it develops my ability to multi-task. I have an aspiration to achieve Grade 8, and in the future, I would like to be the regular organist at my church, as others before me who received tuition through the Diocese of Leeds Keyboard Studies Programme have done. The organ is something I would like to continue to play at university and beyond. I enjoy hearing the sound it makes and the impact it can have in a room. I also enjoy the challenge of having to use two manuals or more and using the pedals at the same time. I thoroughly enjoy my weekly organ lessons with Mr Pipe and also the chance to play in front of a congregation or audience.’

Florence, 13 years old 

‘My experiences with the Bradford Boys Choir and the Keyboard Studies Programme have shaped me as a person. Growing up in inner-city Bradford, the choir and organ lessons gave me the confidence to fulfil my potential. From singing weekly Vespers at the local church to performing on TV in front of millions, each experience has proven invaluable in my life journey, and I have continually drawn on the lessons of resilience I learnt in the Diocese of Leeds during my studies at the University of Oxford. I would like to thank all the Choral Directors and Instrumental Tutors for their tireless work over the years, and for helping me to develop a love for Classical music.’

Joshua (Mansfield College, Oxford)

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6 days ago

Diocese of Leeds Music
The choristers are packing their bags and getting ready to don the famous ROAR t-shirts once more for Gabrieli ROAR 2024!We are within touching distance of our £3000 fundraising target, all of which helps us support young choristers who might not otherwise be able to access this world-class opportunity.If you'd like to be part of these talented youngsters' stories you can donate ... See MoreSee Less
Members of our Bradford and Huddersfield choirs have returned from a very busy weekend touring Norfolk. On Saturday, they sang for the Pilgrims' Mass at the Walsingham Shrine and on Sunday they joined with the choir of St John's Cathedral, Norwich, where they sang Mass for the 40th anniversary of Bishop Peter Collins' ordination. On the way to Norfolk they explored the treetops in Sherwood Forest, and then spent time together in the grounds of Langley School, our venue for the weekend. Both choirs have worked incredibly hard towards this tour, they sounded amazing, even when they sang Franck's Panis Angelicus for the owners of a fish and chip shop in Sheringham! ... See MoreSee Less
We can't wait for the absolute wall of sound our choristers and their peers will create singing Verdi's monumental Requiem in Ely Cathedral next week at the Gabrieli Roar concert! To keep this opportunity affordable to all we have subsidised our choristers' places on the course, please consider making a donation to help us support these talented young musicians.Donate ... See MoreSee Less